Thursday, January 21, 2010

TGI friday

top -American eagle, jeans-forever 21, socks-gap, shinny blue shoes-Marshall's

I love this. I got these socks for Christmas from my aunt and i really wanted to incorporate them into a semi normal outfit, so BAM, there it is. I'm over all fairly satisfied with the way this outfit came out. Especially because lately i have felt totally UN motivated with my outfits. I may have the equivalent to writers block....designer's block? Fashionista's block?? i don't know, but maybe it has something to do with school starting up again. Even since it started i have been expecting to get bombarded with homework and projects, but...nothing, nothing at all. But hey, I'm not complaining, just surprised. Anyway, it gives me more time to work on my blog:)

Top-marshalls bottom-wet seal shoes-payless hat-forever 21

So over the long weekend i went to my friend's, aunt's bridal show, to help out get community service, and there was this lady doing free hena. In all my years of living, i have never had hena so i tried it. I know the pictures arn't that good but this is basically what it looks like. Unfortunatley its already thursday night and has started to slightly fade(oh no!) But now i know hena+my arm=awesome. So if at any time i feel the urge to get a tattoo, hena is a easy, cheap, painless allternative. hopefully it lasts for a bit longer.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Nature And Ice Cream :)

Ah the wonders of nature. Since i was out of school today, i decided to take my camera and celebrate our beautiful mother earth. Oh yah, on the way i stopped and got some ice cream from this little family owned ice cream place. It was so cute, they had little apoltered coaches and stacks and stack of book there. I got a flavor called superman ice cream, and let me tell you, it was delicious. Anyway, i just wanted to let the world know about my trip out into the real world of...parks and recreation(pop culture refrence!)
take a look at some of the pictures

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hey. Today, i discovered something great, it is called, the magic of eBay. I have never gone on that website until a few hours ago and let me tell you... it. was. amazing. There is absolutely EVERYTHING there from shoes to cars to skirts,even 12 packs of unopened vitamin water. eBay has officially changed my life forever. :) Anyway, i went on a simple little shopping trip the other day,hunting for a good bargain on a print skirt, when i came across something very special. so instead of leaving the mall with a simple skirt, i ended up with a brown wool poncho/sweater type thing, it really is quite marvelous. OK it may sounds super ugly by that description but i promise America, it is not. I will try to get some pictures posted ASAP.
This always happens to me, i go into a mall or a sore with the intention of buying one or two specific things, and come out with something totally different. But this time, it wasn't my fault-while i was in the mall my friend texted me was informed me that there was a massive sale at Hollister (because that's what friends are for ), only a few shirt meters away where i stode at that exact moment, so you me me-how could i NOT go in. Anyway, i ended up with some pretty awesome stuff, which i promise i will also post. I guess the moral of my story is 1. don't get sucked into peer pressure and 2. don't randomly spend more on stuff you don't need. Especially because recently i have been having my money. I have my eye on a certain black blazer from Urban Outfitters, which will one day be mine. MWHAHAHAHAHAHA.

This outfit is really cool i think, even though it seems simple. What i like about this outfit is that nothing i'm wearing belonged to me at first. Yup, yup, yup beleve it or not, all hand-me-downs. I don't know if i am the only 1 excited about this but whatever. :) I was really proud of my self becuase it just goes to show you that even second hand clothing can make some pretty psychedelic outfits. My favorite part about this is the silver belt. It belongs to my grandmother, but i was just borrowing it for the day, 'cause i saw it, and thought it was really cool (which it is). It is sort of stretchy, and it was already to big for me, so i tied a knot in it, then moved the clasp to the back. I think overall this outfit was super neat-o, hope you think so 2.
And remember, comments are always welcome!!