Thursday, August 6, 2009

Having Style on a Budget

 Lately, the topic of everyone's conversation is how to have style, while still not spending a fortune. We all know that in these trying times, even the smallest of bargains is a victory over the regular priced clothing hanging in the stores. Every time we shop, it's a battle to stay within the budget due to the taunts of the chanel bags and designer gowns thats follow us where ever we go. What most people don't realize is that it is very possible to be stylish while still having money in your pocket. 
     Look in thrift stores for cool vintage styles is a good way to save money and start a new trend. When people think of thrift store, they think of old, gross, unwanted, but that is almost never the case. There are great deals at thrift stores and are surprisingly up-to-date style wise. Sometimes, they even have designer things for a low, low discount price. 
    Shop for items you can't where right now, like things out of season. I guarantee that a heavy winter coat will be cheaper in August then it would be in December. If you already have the clothing you need you can have more money to buy the clothing you want. 
    Recycle your clothes buy selling your old ones to someone else who can fit them. Reverse that concept by receiving old clothes of someone other that you as well. That way you have more money to spend on clothes in the stores, and have also cleaned out your closet.  
So remember, if you're ever in need of some new clothes, but don't have the cash, check out these helpful hints.

1 comment:

  1. I like to shop in thrift stores and consignment shops. Unlike shopping in chain stores, you NEVER KNOW what you will find. It's like a treasure hunt. Great tip Elle!!!
